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Render form buttons using form helpers passed to the render function.

If this component doesn't have a parent Form component, you must use the form and store properties to choose a form.


childrenRender function, see below
from or storeWhat store to retrieve state from.
formWhat form to retrieve state from.
throttleMilliseconds to throttle change requests
debounceMilliseconds to debounce change requests
debugWhen true, log messages regarding state changes will be printed to the console.
verboseWhen true, verbose log messages are printed to the console.
idDebug log uses this to identify components
onMountCalled with the current state when the component mounts.
onUnmountCalled with the current state when the component unmounts.

render({ submit, reset })

The render function receives an object containing form button attributes to use on button elements.

submitonClickEvent handler
disabledIs submit button disabled
resetonClickEvent handler
disabledIs reset button disabled
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